WARNING: This site will have body horror imagery, non-realistic gore imagery, and imagery that can trigger scopophobia (fear of being stared at). This will all be drawn and no IRL graphics will be used.

There will also be religious themes present in parts of the site.

Proceed at your own risk.

NOTE: As of writing this, the site actually doesn't have any graphics revolving around those things, but I wanted to program a site warning ahead of time! However, I'll remove this extra note when I do add those graphics.


july 23rd - updated my sitebox but it looks incomplete because i ran out of space. might eventually start donating so i can add more to it in the future

between july 18th and 23rd? - at some point i added more cool sites to my links page but i didnt remember to log it kjfhk

july 18th - updated link rot page

view older updates here


hello hello! welcome to my corner of the internet!
my name is moth but also ento. so use either as you see fit. or never! you may never end up referring to me.

i'm just some creature freak thing guy who likes bugs, robots, and angels!

i also draw and program, woohoo!

this site's a bit of a work in progress (when is a site not a wip though)

but! thanks for visiting anyways!

to do list:

  • make graphics for this site damn!!!
  • art page? idk i have sheezy.art for my art posting. could make a commissions page though
  • work on that little site preview (requires me making graphics for the site)
  • shrine pages (but this is for when literally everything else is "done"; hk, bug fables, portal, nine sols)
  • i should have "FLESH IN THAT MACHINE" kind of graphics for this site
  • speaking of flesh in machines. maybe i should make a page thats just dedicated to the flesh in the machine concept

run shepherd.exe

run update.log